
Business Structure – The Pros and Cons

Company Sole Trader/Partnership A company must be formally incorporated with a written constitution in the form of a Memorandum and Articles of Incorporation. There is, therefore, an initial setup cost.… Read more…

Late payers and your rights

For any company, ensuring that cash flow remains stable is perhaps the most important thing you must do to stay in business. However, as we all know, some customers do… Read more…

Branding and SMEs

Surf any marketing blog in recent years and marketing gurus seem to be constantly telling small business owners that their “brand” is central and key to their success. But is… Read more…

Budgeting for a sales rep

What does a sales rep do? Sell things. And sell lots of things. In every business, there are two types of members of staff – revenue-generating and non-revenue-generating. Revenue generators… Read more…

Grow your business with Facebook

20 years ago, very few businesses had websites – now it is rare to see a business that doesn’t. The same is happening again with Facebook. In this article, TWP… Read more…

Asset finance and your business

If you own a small business and you want to expand your production capacity but the cost of buying the equipment outright you want would be significant enough to create… Read more…

How long do I need to keep my accounting records for?

The oldest surviving manuscript in existence is the Sumerian text from Abu Salabikh from 2600 BCE and if HMRC had its way, they’d want to go back that far to… Read more…

Funding your small business start-up

There have never been so many opportunities for entrepreneurs to choose from when looking for funding to start their new business. If you are ready to turn your ideas, expertise,… Read more…

Why invoicing from your online bookkeeping package delivers benefits

Late payment has, for many years, been a major problem affecting both the cash flow and viability of particularly Read more…

Futureproofing Your Start-Up With The Help Of An Accountant

When you start a business, you have several things to consider. What are you going to be selling? Who is your target audience? What kind of profit margin do you… Read more…